It's my official last day in my first host family's house! In less than a half an hour (indian standard time) I will pick up my life here and shift it to a new host family, whom I have met before and very much like, but are quite different from my first. For one, they speak Hindi at home, not Gujarati, and they have two daughters. The eldest is 15 and the youngest is 8. I can't wait to have siblings in the house with me, since my first two host brothers are in the U.S. for the year. I'll miss living with first host family and especially with Marie, from Germany, whom I have roomed with for a month straight now in Baroda and on South Tour. We start up school again tomorrow though and will still see each other everyday. As soon as I have settled in and unpacked everything (I have at least six more bags then when I came...) I will start working on a post about our incredible South Tour!